David Yorke

david yorke headshotI can’t recall a time when I wasn’t drawing pictures. As a child, I discovered quite early in life, that drawing became an effective way to communicate. I don’t know if such abilities can be inherited or whether its a gift from God, but I believe all such talents need to be recognized as such and developed. For me, there was definitely some cause and effect…drawing often brought me attention, as well as a sense of accomplishment. I drew and painted because I loved doing it. My family had a leaning towards artistic endeavors, and I was fortunate to have had parents who encouraged my creative exploits. Having had a family legacy of a few professional painters in my ancestry, also became an early fascination, as I continued to develop my art skills with time.

Studying Advertising design in college became a natural progression in my search to find a practical way to have a career as an artist. My early job pursuits led me to concentrate on Illustration, as a primary focus. Being a commercial artist by trade, was invaluable training for meeting tight deadlines, working in multi media and being versatile with art styles and techniques. All these experiences paved a way for me to eventually leave the corporate art world, and explore another long passion of mine, as a fine art gallery painter. With unlimited subject choices to paint, I chose to primarily illustrate the Pioneer Western Frontier, because of its illustrious history and the colorful characters who’s lifelong adventures were reflected in this period of America’s past. Being raised at a time when TV westerns were common, I grew up watching these stories, influenced by their values while role playing my heroes. When I paint these subjects today, I try to concentrate on lifestyle situations and the character and personality of the people. Making a pretty picture certainly has been one objective, but Ive found much satisfaction when I can get deeper into the emotions and unique personality with the people I paint. My love for creating art, has always been because it is who I am, and not so much a ‘job’.

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