Kathy Anderson
Kathy Anderson is best known for her unique interpretation of flowers and gardens, and intimate scenes of landscape. Working in oils and painting mostly from life, her focus is on a strong design and movement in the painting, keeping the subject as naturally as you would find it. Her style is representational, but goes a step further into reality, often depicting weeds in the garden, flowers past their prime, etc.
Kathy is included in many prestigious private collections, is a master signature member of Oil Painters of America, an artist member of the Salmagundi Club NY, and is in the permanent collection of the National Arts Club, NYC. She teaches workshops in the US and abroad and has three popular videos.
She was lucky to be able to call as personal friends two of our greatest contemporary artists– Richard Schmid and Everett Raymond Kinstler, both sadly deceased. She has spent countless years with each of them, soaking up their wisdom and life stories.
“I see paintings everywhere- every flower, rock, tree, dapple of light, sparkling waterfall –there’s no endto subject matter for an artist when your eyes are always open.”
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