Jason Rich

headshot of Jason Rich“Every painting starts with the horse for me, the way the light catches its gesture and movement.” It’s no wonder, since artist Jason Rich grew up riding, training and drawing horses on a small farm in southern Idaho. Jason’s interest in art was fostered at a young age, which led him to study art at Utah State University where he received Bachelor and Master of Fine Art degrees.

Upon completing his education, Jason dedicated himself to pursuing art full time and quickly established himself in the art market. Over more than two decades, Jason has enjoyed much success and recognition in prestigious organizations, shows, events and elite publications.

To get inspiration and reference for his work, Jason rides alongside cowboys working the corrals or packing through the mountains. He then combines experience, imagination and research to depict authenticity of the cowboy way.

 Living in the mountains of northern Utah with his wife and three children, Jason feels he is living his dream. “I live in a place I love, with people I love, doing what I love. What could be better than that?”

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